It's not about me

it's about you

shining light
on your digital journey

This is the part where I have to brag about myself and my amazing accomplishments, but I am not good at that. 

I could then go on telling you that I can help you with

  • Content Strategy & Development
  • Content Marketing
  • Content Creation


But that’s so abstract and so… so meaningless. 

Isn’t it way better and more fun to get together, have a coffee and talk about what your dreams are and what I can do to make them come true!

You couldn’t tell on first sight but I am good at putting you in the spotlight. Come up with ideas for content to make your audience & business grow. Consult you on your next digital steps that help you reach your goals. And, oh wait, this one is good: see the opportunities before your competition does.

So what do you say, shall we have coffee? 


You want to ask a question (or five)?


You want to know how it, how I work?

Let me know how you want to drink your coffee. Espresso style or more like a latte? With milk and sugar? In the afternoon? Oh I can tell that you are not an Italian 😉

cafe @